Colon hydrotherapy is an essential treatment used to assist the body in the healing process in a wide variety of different colon-centred conditions such as

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)





Premenstrual syndrome


Back pain

Bad breath





Hay fever


Sinus problems

Intestinal parasites

Painful menstruation

The primary benefit is that the colon is cleansed of impacted and putrefied faecal matter. In some cases the sluggish impacted matter can weigh between 2 to 4 kilos, sometimes more.
It can also remove gas, undigested foods, mucous and intestinal parasites including tapeworms.

By removing accumulated putrefied waste and re-toning the bowel, colon hydrotherapy improves the function of the colon and prevents the body from reabsorbing toxins during cleansing and detoxification. The Libbe (Lower Intestinal Bottom Bowel Evacuation System) is the finest “State of the Art” equipment on the market.

One of the key factors is that your privacy and personal hygiene are maintained at all times. Many people find this deeply reassuring and comforting. Perth Colon Health & Wellness Centre has the only Libbe systems in Perth.


Improved metabolic function

Strengthening the colon muscle

Regular bowel movements

Restoring pH in the body

Overall boost of health

Renewed energy

Mental alertness

Better quality of sleep

Healthier clearer complexion

Healthier clearer complexion

Weight loss

Improved immune system


Colon Hydrotherapy

What is Colonic Hydrotherapy?

Colonic hydrotherapy or irrigation is a gentle internal bath using warm, purified water that can help to eliminate stored faecal matter, gas, mucus and toxic waste from the colon. A practice that dates back many hundreds of years. Colonics can also help strengthen and reshape the colon.
However, colonics have a much broader effect than simply cleansing the colon. Additional benefits can often be observed throughout the body in the form of clearer skin, more energy and mental clarity, fewer headaches, improvement in circulatory, immune and weight problems and many other positive side effects


Removing the Mystery of Colon Hydrotherapy
When you arrive for your appointment you will be asked to complete a client information form. At this time we will also discuss with you what you, the client, hope to accomplish through colon hydrotherapy.

We then go into the colon hydrotherapy room. In private, you undress from the waist down and position yourself comfortably on the Libbe base. The client gently and easily inserts the Libbe rectal tube in privacy. The Libbe rectal tube is the size of a pencil, individually packaged, sterile, for single use and is properly disposed of after the session. The client then covers themselves from the waist down.

Water flows through a carbon filter, which removes any sediment, rust or chlorine. The water is then purified by an Ultra Violet purification system, before it enters the body. A gentle slow rate of purified, temperature safe water is then gravity fed through the tube. Faeces releases naturally. An odour exhaust system ensures the session room remains odour free.

During a treatment, the client will experience several gentle fills and releases of water which eliminates the debris of putrefied and impacted faecal matter, excessive mucus, gases and in some instances, one or more forms of parasites. Gently filling and emptying the colon of water improves the peristaltic (wave-like) muscle action, which increases your transit time of waste material and your natural ability to eliminate.

A clear viewing tube allows you to see what comes out during releases. Waste is evacuated into the waste line without offensive odour and without compromising the dignity of the individual. A rinsing sprayer is used to rinse your bottom after the session.Our fully trained Colon Hydrotherapists are always nearby to monitor and provide you with assistance and comfort as needed.To promote the release of accumulated toxic waste matter, our Colon Hydrotherapists will apply heat packs and show you abdominal massage techniques.

A session lasts approximately 40 minutes. Dignity is protected at all times. After each session the Libbe is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. On completion you can relax in our client lounge with a refreshing herbal tea and probiotic drink and we will provide you with more information on what you should do post colonic.

Create your own perfect soap!

We are beyond excited to announce the upcoming classes at our retail shop & studio! Bring your friends and your family to spend the coolest two hours crafting your own soap or organic cosmetics at our master class. Feel free to give us a free call!

Clients Experience With Us

Since I have been having my footspa treatments 3 times a week for the past 5/6 weeks, I have noticed an increase in the lightness of my being.

I have been feeling a heavy load has been lifted from my body, even though I am naturally a high-energy person.

I have a lot more pep in my fast moving step. This way of healing is gentle, non-evasive way of maintaining good health inside & out.

Denise B

Denise B

By the time the symptoms were bad enough to realize it was Celiacs Disease, I had already gotten into a fairly bad health state. Vegetable Juice and Fasting had helped but it wasn’t untill I had Hydrotherapy treatment that I realised what it is like to live without the symptoms that had always seemed ‘normal’. The instant relief from chronic sinusitis after one treatment… was amazing. Over time I have experienced a general decline in all symptoms: psoriasis, arthritic, irritability, hot flushes, migraines etc

It is great to have a normal body temperature, the constant heat is gone. My complexion is even turning olive in line with my ancestry… very pleased indeed. For anyone who has had Food Alergies, Skin Conditions, Candida or any GI Tract related problems I cannot recommend colonic hydrotherapy enough and the open water system at the perth colon health wellness clinic makes the experience as modest and comfortable as possible.

RW Perth

RW Perth

I had wanted to experience the benefits of colon hydrotherapy for many years, but had been concerned about the loss of privacy and dignity, as well as the possibility of my waste material and unpleasant odours being exposed to a therapist.

I found however that the treatment process at Perth Colon Health & Wellness Centre made me feel at ease and was very dignified and private, with the client carrying out the initial part of the procedure themselves, following a simple lesson.

The results are a wonderful feeling of being lighter, cleaner and healthier, as well as a great sense of well-being.

Lindsey Murphy

Lindsey Murphy

East Victoria Park

Clients About Us

Since I have been having my footspa treatments 3 times a week for the past 5/6 weeks, I have noticed an increase in the lightness of my being.

I have been feeling a heavy load has been lifted from my body, even though I am naturally a high-energy person.

I have a lot more pep in my fast moving step. This way of healing is gentle, non-evasive way of maintaining good health inside & out.

Denise B

Denise B

By the time the symptoms were bad enough to realize it was Celiacs Disease, I had already gotten into a fairly bad health state. Vegetable Juice and Fasting had helped but it wasn’t untill I had Hydrotherapy treatment that I realised what it is like to live without the symptoms that had always seemed ‘normal’. The instant relief from chronic sinusitis after one treatment… was amazing. Over time I have experienced a general decline in all symptoms: psoriasis, arthritic, irritability, hot flushes, migraines etc

It is great to have a normal body temperature, the constant heat is gone. My complexion is even turning olive in line with my ancestry… very pleased indeed. For anyone who has had Food Alergies, Skin Conditions, Candida or any GI Tract related problems I cannot recommend colonic hydrotherapy enough and the open water system at the perth colon health wellness clinic makes the experience as modest and comfortable as possible.

RW Perth

RW Perth

I had wanted to experience the benefits of colon hydrotherapy for many years, but had been concerned about the loss of privacy and dignity, as well as the possibility of my waste material and unpleasant odours being exposed to a therapist.

I found however that the treatment process at Perth Colon Health & Wellness Centre made me feel at ease and was very dignified and private, with the client carrying out the initial part of the procedure themselves, following a simple lesson.

The results are a wonderful feeling of being lighter, cleaner and healthier, as well as a great sense of well-being.

Lindsey Murphy

Lindsey Murphy

East Victoria Park

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Contact Us

1229 SE Nehalem, Portland, OR 97202
Call: 503 230 9260